Nic McDermid (she/her/hers) is an intersectional feminist and disruptor of the status quo from Sydney, Australia. She is a fierce activist, advocate and content creator. Nic is a thought leader and visionary in the lived experience realm, writing and speaking prolifically on the topics of mental health, eating disorder recovery, body image, chronic illness, weight stigma and Health at Every Size ®.

"Nic McDermid gives a voice to those who have suffered through the oppressive systems that judge and arbitrate fat bodies. Her work is nuanced and passionate with a flair for ensuring those in marginalised bodies receive care, kindness and compassion. Above all Nic fights for fat issues to be heard and seen in a world where they would just rather us stay quiet."
- Dani Galvin, iamdaniadriana

"Nic speaks with an incredibly powerful, yet vulnerable, voice in her work on inclusion for fat people in eating disorder treatment, equitable healthcare and mental health awareness. She is leading the way for Health at Every Size healthcare providers, fat allies, ED treatment professionals and everyone else interested in justice and rights for marginalised people."
- Lindley Ashline, Body Liberation With Lindley